We decided ( a little late) that we wanted to plant a garden, so we went and bought
some seeds and got busy planting today :)
Makena wanted a turn too!
Trey could barely push it!
Ready to go swim with Nanny and Pop
Carl relaxing in the pool
Nanny getting Carlie for throwing a ball at her :)
My boys just chillaxin'
All eyes on Makena!
Me with two of my babies...Carlie didn't want to be part of our group!
I know, from the looks of these pictures you would think that my kids were all over their summer cold/virus/whatever, but sadly that is not the case. Nobody is running a fever or anything like that, but the runny noses and hacky cough are driving us crazy! Mine lasted for a full 7 days and now it is finally gone, but the kids haven't had it for quite that long so we'll still be waiting :)
We had a fun family day today and I can't wait for the rest of the weekend :)