Friday afternoon Carl and I decided that we would go to Wynne to stay with his mom and step-dad for the night. The kids were super excited to go stay the night and it was kind of nice to just get away for a little while. It was almost 7 when we got there and we had an awesome dinner of BBQ, baked beans, fresh corn on the cob, watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumbers (my favorite!). It was so good :) We had to take a little walk around the block after that! It was great to get a good nights sleep. Once I was finally able to go to sleep I don't think I woke up until morning, and let me tell you, that is extremely unusual these days! Nana fixed us a yummy breakfast (chocolate gravy!!) and then we went to her neighbor's house for a garage/moving sale while Carl and T.R. went to Conway. We got to eat lunch with Wendy, Riley, and Aunt Shirley. It was great being able to see them. After this weekend of eating, I definitely have to start that diet ASAP!!
We had a really good day, but I always feel so lazy when I'm I should be doing something. We left around 3 on Saturday and had an amazingly QUIET ride back home :) Carl and I are both so blessed to have the parents we have. We wouldn't trade them for anything!
We had a really good day, but I always feel so lazy when I'm I should be doing something. We left around 3 on Saturday and had an amazingly QUIET ride back home :) Carl and I are both so blessed to have the parents we have. We wouldn't trade them for anything!
Makena was a little annoyed that Carlie was sleeping with her,
but Carlie didn't want to sleep in the back room by herself
so they both ended up here :)
Trey changed his mind on the back bed too, so he slept
on the couch...although I think he ended up on the floor at
some point during the night!
Trey and Riley. Look at Trey's eyes!!! This was after
T.R. and Carl left, so he was very happy to have another
boy around. Riley is probably the sweetest kid I know and he is
very patient with Trey!
Poor Nana's living room was converted to a playroom!
Makena loved her Build-A-Bear and all the fun clothes and shoes.
They have been playing with them all day!
Carlie, Trey, and Nana playing Deal or No Deal
This was this morning when we came home from church.
She is smiling so big because if you look closely you can see her feeding
the kitten a whale! The kitten was licking all the salt off of it and loved every minute of it.
Carlie the Cat Lady! We know how she feels about dogs, though :)