The near future, that is. And no, I'm not taking up fortune telling or anything like that!! Before long it will be time for school to start back....and school will start for my little T. We all know that I'm a little sad and anxious about that, but I have three kids and I have to start thinking about getting a few things along for school. So I was online looking at backpacks for the girls and Trey and I found this VERY cute backpack:
Looking at this makes me both happy and sad, but isn't it just too cute?!
And it will go perfect with the lunch bag that my mom got him about a month
ago on sale:
And it comes with this cute little note cards:
They are blank on the other side so you can write a little note :)
I think that they are both so cute, and yes, I do realize that this is something that he'll probably only get by with using in Kindergarten, but I may as well embrace this whole experience because ready or not, it's coming :)