waiting in the car
Ready to watch!
Santa's float.
Tonight we took the kids to the Christmas Parade. Even though we had two ball games at school, and a birthday party to attend tonight we decided it was just time to spend time out with just our family. I love spending time with our school friends, but sometimes I just need some time away. I guess I'm just like the kids, ready for Christmas Break!! We went to eat, then to the parade. We saw all the normal stuff: police cars, Christmas floats, the firetruck, and Santa. Trey was very disappointed because there were no tractors...not even one! Some boys in the FFA were driving those racing lawn mowers and he really liked that, but he couldn't understand why there were no tractors. They all got lots of candy, which is why Carlie is carrying a bad in the above picture. After the parade we went to Wal-Mart!! I'm really not excited about that. They showed us all the toys they wanted, which we have already gotten most of it and it looks like we did a pretty good job :) Carl and I didn't finish our shopping yesterday, but I only have a few things now. I've wrapped a lot, but I've still got a lot more and there is hardly ANY room left under our tree!
This is an off weekend for us, so we are going to try and enjoy our time at home doing nothing :)