Today when Carl and Papa went deer hunting the kids and I decided to continue the tradition that we started a few years ago of making a gingerbread house. Well instead of a house we decided to do a train, with three parts so each of the kids would have their own part to do. It was lots of fun, and I think it turned out better than ever. Well, until Carlie's engine fell off the table and crashed into the floor! I managed to piece it back together. You can still see the little cracks in it, but I still think it looks great :)
The finished product (after I had to fix it)!
We also got a new dog: Oscar aka Little Man. He is a sweet dog that we adopted from our beautician who fosters dogs. He seems to be such a sweet, well mannered dog. He is also house trained, but he will not be indoors full time. On nice days, he will be spending most of the day outside :) He really likes Carlie a lot, which made her feel really good. Anyway, here is a picture of Trey and Oscar:
He loves him already!